99% of People Think of Content Ass-Backwards
How the top 1% think about content - and how you should too!
People who are new to business often produce content for selfish reasons. Either it’s to gain attention or hop on a soapbox.
I have a different reason, which I think is much more important.
I produce content to refine my thought so I can be a better leader with better vision.
Sound philosophy and thought is won over time and requires a lot of reps.
Every day, we’re exposed to many thoughts that can be great cornerstones of our lives, but they need some work to make ‘just right’ for our personal situations.
Great sports players are not made on game day. They are made in practice, when the world is not looking.
Simlarly, great philosophers, thinkers and leaders are not made in the boardroom or on stage. They are made in the moments of silence, when they are positioning thought - in their own heads.
Reading is not what makes someone knowledgable.
Thinking about the ideas and playing with them until they fit into their worldview and situation is.
So, I make it a daily habit to produce content as part of my workflow of processing ideas and finding where they fit in my world, if at all.
(Remember, throwing away ideas that do not apply to your situation is more important than hanging on to the ones that don’t fit).