Why I Moved To Vegas
Or: How to become a better human by making an effort to reduce your echo chambers
Every time someone hears I live in Vegas I immediately get asked “why?” - so I thought I’d write a post about it.
In 2021 I moved to Las Vegas.
I had been born and raised a Cali boy and never really traveled much until my late 30’s. I was raised in the SF Bay Area and I went to college in Los Angeles.
So for 40+ years of my life I had spent 99.999% of my time in California.
As PushPress grew, I would find myself more and more in other states of the USA talking to clients or presenting at conferences.
This was happening during the Trump years, when the USA was more divided that I could ever recall.
America Wasn’t As Divided As I Thought
One big thing I learned during that time was people across America were all largely the same. We were all mostly rational people - and only when some incendiary topic came up did people divide harshly.
I’ve long been very empathetic. I believe in people through and through. This finding made me both very happy, but also concerned.
Less Worldview, More Division
Because most of the media we were being fed in California was about how irrational people were in the red states. And I’m sure most of the media people were being fed in red states were exposing the shocking truths of how crazy the blue folk were.
So I decided I needed a different world view. Spending my entire life in one state was not helping me become the best person I could be, so I moved.
We considered many places - but landed in Vegas. I’ll explain that in tomorrow’s post.