Fact #1: I love coffee.
Fact #2: I love small businesses.
Fact #3: Small businesses (when done right) always out deliver large chains in passion and product.
Fact #4: Starbucks is winning on an inferior product.
As a sip on a black drip from Bux that tastes slightly like burnt armpit, I wondered aloud…
“how does this crap actually keep a billion dollar company solvent?”
(and why do I go back for this enough times that I have 918 starbucks points?)
Having the best product doesn’t win the game. (Read that aloud to yourself one more time)
If you’re on your high horse talking about how your programming or training systems is the best in the area - you’re probably losing to someone who has an absolutely shit product.
What wins in todays world is:
predictability / quality control
emotional attachment
Starbucks is easy (every corner, long hours and drive thru), massively predictable (same shit coffee and experience at any of their 10,000+ locations) and delivers the need (caffeine). So when I need a coffee at 5am (now) and my local roaster isn’t open until 8am - guess where I’m going for my predictably bad coffee?
Your product might be amazing - but do you meet your customers where they are with what they need?
Think about how you can do that a little more…