I’m actually on a plane when this publishes.
Curious how I got this out? Read the post tomorrow
I’ve been speaking this week about why I write content and produce reels.
The obvious answer is to self-promote things I work on. The real answer is to help me build philosophies that drive leadership at PushPress and life.
I’ve been refining a framework for how I approach content to build philosophy which I’ll outline here.
Not unlike how an F1 driver will walk the track before driving it, or how a stand up comedienne will work jokes into a local standup before taking it to their Netflix special - I will work ideas in a due process.
This process is always in refinement. It allows me to filter ideas as I am exposed to them and work them into my mind or discard them.
The Idea Framework
Exposure to idea. This one everyone understands. To start thinking bigger, you need to be around bigger thoughts. Books, podcasts, spending time with people who are smarter than me, etc. Most people stop here with ideas.
Let the idea ruminate. I have an idea database (I use notion) in which I keep an active record of every idea as I’m exposed to it. In there I jot down the idea, the context, and any thoughts I have around it immediately. (I’ll forget the context in 3 days if I don’t).
Revisit the idea later. Every morning I revisit ideas in my database. Some I will realize I don’t even understand or like as much as I thought I did when I was exposed to it. Some will put me into a deeper thought pattern.
Use the idea in passing. I’ll try to work the idea into a conversation or three during the day and see how it lands. Usually as I’m experimenting with the idea, it’ll begin to shift into a lens that applies best to my circumstance.
Discuss the idea in depth. This could include writing a blog post or having a discussion with someone I respect about it. This allows me to process the idea deeper and begin to see counterpoints or “aha” moments people have with the idea.
Create deeper situational relationship. Ideas are only good if applied to your personal situation. Once I know I have something cooking, I’ll go deeper trying to connect it to mine. Often this includes tying it back to gym ownership or some aspect of PushPress.